Wednesday 25 June 2014

Music Video Auteurs

I have recently looked at modern Auteurs in class as part of my research into making my music video as my final project.

Songs That Describe Me

Here are 3 songs that describe me.
McFly - 5 colours in her hair (from my childhood), One direction - little things and Bastille - Oblivion

Monday 23 June 2014

The history of music videos

Recently in lesson we have been learning about the transition of music videos since they first became popular. Below is a prezi showing you what I have learnt.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Analysing Music Videos

For this task I have been asked to analyse a music video of my choice. After analysing the video I am asked to describe what makes the video an effective music video. For this task I have used prezi to describe how the music video that I like puts its mark onto the bands audience.

Monday 16 June 2014

A2 Media Introduction

Hello and welcome to my blog which I shall be operating as part of my A2 Media Studies coursework. Within this year of work I shall be analysing a range of music videos to help me create my own. From my AS coursework, it is clear that  i have made a vast improvement in how i am able to use different technologies and programmes to make my work more interesting and innovative.I will make sure that all research that i carry out is detailed and well constructed in order to contribute to my journey to create my final product, my own music video.